The History of Ozone Therapy: How it Became a Popular Alternative Treatment

  • History
  • Benefits
  • Risks
  • Conclusion

Ozone Therapyis an alternative medical treatment which has been used for centuries to treat medical issues, from minor ailments to life-threatening illnesses. It involves the use of ozone, a naturally occurring form of oxygen which is made up of three oxygen atoms, toincrease the number of available oxygen molecules in the body.

This article will explore thehistory and development of ozone therapyand examine the various methods of administration andresearch which has been conducted on its efficacy.

Definition of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapyis an alternative medical practice that involves injecting ozone gas or bubbling ozone gas through a liquid such as olive oil or blood to treat a wide array of medical conditions. Ozone, which is made up of three atoms of oxygen, is often referred to as“activated oxygen”or“charged oxygen”and it has been used in medicine since the late 19th century.

Ozone therapy was first introduced in Germany in the 1920s. By 1951, over 50clinics were treating patients with ozone and during the 1970s, many more clinics around the world began using ozone therapyas an alternative to traditional medicines and treatments. Since then, its use has grown exponentially and today it is practiced in more than 30 countries worldwide.

Ozone therapy has been used for a variety of conditions including:

  • Cancer
  • Infections
  • Skin diseases
  • Chronic pain
  • Digestive disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease

Proponents believe that ozone can reduce inflammation and improve the body’s ability to fight disease by stimulating the immune system. Studies have demonstrated some positive results with certain conditions but so far there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that it is an effective medical treatment at this time. As research continues into ozonotherapy’s potential therapeutic benefits, its safety record must also be monitored closely.


Ozone therapydates back centuries and has been used in many different ways throughout history. It originated in Germany in the late 19th century, and was first used to treat infections, inflammation, and other diseases. As the years went by, researchers and scientists continued to improve on ozone therapy and expand its uses.

In this section, we will look at a brief overview of ozonetherapy’s historyand its uses over the years:

Early History of Ozone Therapy

The earliest documented use of ozone for therapeutic purposes is widely credited toA.C. Lender, a Berlin-based plumber and instructor in electrical engineering who experimented with its effects in the late 19th century. In 1903, he found that exposing water to high voltage electrical currents produces large amounts of ozone which improved the taste and smell of drinking water. He also observed physical health benefits from the ozone exposure includingreduced fever, improved wound healingand relief from muscular pains.

The first reports of humans receivingozonetherapyappeared in 1910 when a German professor had his patient breathe medical grade ozone mixed with air as an experimental treatment for tuberculosis. Over the following decades, ozonetherapy gained more popularity in Europe as pioneering doctors began using it to treat conditions such as septicemia, pneumonia and other infections often not responding to conventional therapeutic interventions. It was also used extensively for dental disinfection procedures as well as stimulating local blood circulation to promote healing of tissue injuries.

Today many sources credit German physicist/chemistChristian Wilhelm Schoenbein (1799–1868)as one of the pioneers of modern ozonetherapy due to his works with ozone inhibition factors leading up to its eventual medicinal use.

Modern Ozone Therapy

Modern ozone therapywas first developed in Germany in the 1950s and was quickly adopted by many countries around the world as a safe and effective way to treat a variety of medical conditions. Although ozone has been used in water treatment plants and medical laboratories for some time, it has only recently become popular as a medical treatment.

There are two main types of modern ozone therapy:ozonated waterandozonated air(or O2/O3). Ozone is typically injected into the body either through inhaled gas or applied topically via cream or injections.Ozonated wateris made by bubbling ozone through carefully filtered still water, which can then be ingested or applied topically.Ozonated airis usually inhaled from an oxygen mask which provides a mixture of oxygen and ozone – similar to the air found naturally in nature.

When administered properly, modern ozone therapy offers many potential benefits, including:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved immune system functioning
  • Better circulation
  • Increased oxygenation throughout the body
  • Enhanced detoxification processes
  • Faster wound healing time
  • Improved overall health maintenance
  • Anti-aging benefits

The use of ozone therapy continues to grow despite some controversy regarding its safety. The potential side effects vary depending on the condition being treated and how it’s administered; however they can include increased heart rate and headaches with little risk of long-term damage when administered correctly.


Ozone therapyhas been used for centuries and is considered a natural healing remedy for many conditions. Ozone therapy is known for itsanti-inflammatory and antioxidant propertieswhich can help to reduce pain and improve overall health. Additionally, ozonetherapy has been shown to boost the immunesystem, making it an excellent choice for those with chronic illnesses.

In this article, we will explore thebenefits of ozone therapyin greater detail.

Improved Immune System

The immune system plays a vital role in protecting our bodies from pathogens that can cause disease and illness. When the immune system is weakened or compromised, it becomes vulnerable to infection and virus attacks.

Ozone therapy has been used to support the body’s natural mechanisms of defence which include helping to stimulate the production of white blood cells and other antibodies that protect us from external threats. Research has shown that ozone therapy canincrease levels of interferon, lymphocytes and macrophageswithin the body which help fight off infections.

In addition, ozone therapy can reduce inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infections, effectively helping stimulate healing processes at a cellular level. Regular ozone treatments are thought tostrengthen immune responses over time, thus improving overall well-being.

Reduced Inflammation

Ozone therapyhas been used for many years and is rising in popularity due to its numerous benefits. One of the primary uses of Ozone therapy isreducing inflammation. Studies have shown that it can reduce pain and improve muscle mobility.

The exact mechanism behind the anti-inflammatory activity is not well understood, but it is thought that ozone’santioxidant propertiesassist in reducing inflammation byneutralizing free radicalsin the body. In addition, ozone activates enzymes that are important forimmune regulationand helps to decrease oxidative stress.

These anti-inflammatory benefits are widely accepted as having a positive effect for people suffering fromchronic conditionssuch as arthritis or fibromyalgia as well asacute medical conditionslike gout or infection. Ozone therapy has also been used for post-surgery recovery, wound healing, and tissue regeneration.

In summary, byneutralizing harmful free radicalsin the body andactivating enzyme systemsassociated with immune regulation, ozone therapy reduces inflammation and provides a number of benefits to those with metabolic issues or chronic inflammation syndromes.

Increased Energy

Ozonetherapy is a type of medical treatment that involves introducing ozone into the body to facilitate healing. Ozone is a gas that possessthree atoms of oxygen– which is why it is used in medical treatments. When introduced into the body, the increased level of oxygen can stimulate cells and bring added energy.

TheWorld Health Organization (WHO)has found numerous applications for ozone therapy, including

  • tissue repair and infection prevention
  • high-energy metabolism
  • cell regeneration
  • pain relief

This therapy also has an effect on improving overall well-being, leading to increased physical energy and mental clarity.

Some people claim that ozone therapy can reduce fatigue, lower heart rate variability and foster improved sleep – though this needs to be backed up with research studies before any definitive conclusion can be made. Nevertheless, people who have experienced ozone therapy often report feeling more physically energized and mentally alert afterwards.

Despite its wide applications in medicine – such as skin rejuvenation or detoxification – ozone therapymust be performed by a professionalin order to maximize its benefits while ensuring safety standards are met at all times. The precise amount of oxygen required by each individual also needs to be determined by an expert with experience in providing this type of treatment.


While ozone therapy has many potential benefits, there are several risks associated with it as well. Ozone is atoxic gas, and can cause damage to the skin, eyes, and lungs if exposure is too high. People with respiratory conditions may experience difficulty in breathing, and skin irritation may occur over time.

It is important to be aware of these potential risks before trying ozone therapy.

Side Effects

Ozone therapyis a treatment used to help relieve chronic pain and other disorders. It is believed toboost energylevels and enhance the body’s ability to heal itself. Ozone is a form of oxygen, and when ozone therapy is applied in combination with other treatments, it can be beneficial for certain medical conditions. However, like any medical procedure, there are potential risks associated with ozone therapy which must be considered before starting treatment.

The most commonside effects reportedfrom ozone therapy include:

  • an increase in heart rate
  • a decrease in blood pressure
  • headache, dizziness or confusion
  • nausea or vomiting
  • chest pain

Other side effects can include difficulty breathing due to the enhanced oxygen levels within the body and increased stress on the cardiovascular system due to increased activity of red blood cells.

If undergoing ozone therapy as part of an overall health regimen, it is important to keep track of any changes noticed within the body and discuss them with your healthcare provider. Additionally, it is important tofollow all instructionsgiven by your healthcare provider for safe use of this form of treatment.


Ozone therapyhas many potential risks and safety concerns that must be considered before undergoing treatment. Ozone is a powerful oxidant, meaning it destroys unwanted or harmful substances in the body, including bacteria and viruses. While ozone is often used to treat bacterial infections and disease, it can have adverse effects on the body when used in high doses or on areas that are more sensitive. Therefore, there are certain individuals who should not receive ozone therapy due to contraindications.

Some of the most common contraindications for ozone therapy include:

  • Those with an allergy or hypersensitivity to ozone
  • Those with heart disease such asischemic heart disease
  • Those with an immune deficiency disorder such asHIV/AIDS
  • Those withdiabetes mellitus
  • Pregnant women
  • Individuals takinganticoagulants (blood thinners) or immunosuppressants
  • People withtuberculosis or alcohol intoxication
  • Individuals with a history ofstroke

Additionally, ozone therapy may not be effective if administered at improper levels or by untrained practitioners. Therefore, it is important to take special care when selecting a provider and to ensure that they have extensive knowledge of risks associated with ozone therapy so as to avoid any complications arising from treatment.


Ozone therapyhas been around for awhile, but it has only recently become the mainstay of integrative medicine. From its use in treating viral infections and improving immune system function to its promising results in helping with cancer, ozone therapy offers a wide range of potential benefits.

In this article, we have explored thehistory of ozone therapy and the potential it holds to revolutionize the medical field. We have also discussed the majorpros and cons of ozone therapy, so that you can make an informed decision if you are ever in a situation where ozone therapy may be recommended to you.

Summary of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy, otherwise known asO3 therapy, is a form of alternative medicine that utilizes ozone gas to increase oxygen levels in the body in order to promote and improve overall health and well-being. Ozone therapy has been practiced for many decades in some parts of Europe, particularly Germany where it is widely used by doctors. In many European countries such as France, Italy, Austria and Spain it is an accepted form of medical treatment.

The use of ozone in medicine began when German chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein discovered ozone’s germicidal properties in 1840. Since then, many studies have been conducted on the efficacy of ozone therapy and its effects on the human body. While research into the efficacy of ozone therapy continues, it has been proven to be beneficial for a wide range of medical conditions including:

  • Arthritis
  • Viral infection
  • Cancer prevention and treatment
  • Organ damage repair
  • Wound healing

Proponents of the practice claim that ozone can also reduce fatigue, increase energy levels improve circulation and normalize hormone levels.

Ozone therapy can be administered through various means such as direct or IV administration or by autohemotransfusion (which involves mixing blood with ozonized gas). The most common forms are direct method through insufflation (where ozone is forced into the nasal cavity) or through rectal administration (also known as ozonated water). Despite its potential benefits however, there is still debate among physicians over whether or not these treatments are effective without damaging potential side-effects. As always with any form of medical treatments or supplements alwaysseek advice from your physicianbefore beginning any new treatments or therapies.